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Last Minute Thanksgiving Planning

We’re a deadline driven business, so we know how those pesky deadlines can sneak up on you. With Thanksgiving just hours away, there’s precious time to plan. No need to stress with these last minute tips to plan a bountiful Thanksgiving dinner.

Plan now.
Sounds crazy but with only three days to plan for Thanksgiving, you need to use your time wisely. Sit down and think about your meal. Know how many people you will host, when you’ll be serving and what’s on the menu. Write down everything you’ll need so you can make one outing to the store.

Visit the deli.
Purchasing ready-made side dishes can be a huge time saver. Grocery stores have a wide variety of options to please all. Also consider buying stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy in the box or jar. They may not be grandma’s recipes but they can save a meal and you can always doctor them up a bit to make them your own.

Ask for help.
Have your guests bring the side dishes and desserts to take some weight off of your shoulders. This leaves you time to focus on the turkey, potatoes and stuffing.

Don’t stress.
Remember that your guests are happy to get together and spend some quality time, so relax. And if you impress them with a fabulous dessert, your family may forget that you didn’t use grandma’s stuffing recipe.

Even the best laid plans go awry. If you have complications with part of your meal, consider Thanksgiving meal sandwiches. Don’t laugh until you’ve tried a turkey, potato, cranberry, stuffing and gravy sandwich. Delicious.

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